Thursday, May 24, 2012


Yesterday i dreamt Mr C cheated on me.

I was halfway through the dream when i woke up, but i forced myself to go back to sleep to see what would happen. And the dream continued.

The dream is now all fuzzy already, but i remember mr C bringing me to the cheap hotel room where he did his disgusting act and I forced him to tell me everything that happened. From beginning to end. I was sitting on the bed of the hotel room crying (in the dream) when i woke up, and when i got back to the dream, Mr C was defending / justifying himself like:

"Why are you so sad, it meant nothing!"
"I still love you, it was purely physical with her! I'm sorry but all the other guys were doing it too."
"I really don't understand why you're so sad, I still love you and am still with you right .."

writing this all down now makes me feel like punching him again...!!

AFter breaking up with him (in the dream), i woke up the second time and called Mr C (who was at work) straight away to ask why he cheated on me. and when we met up for lunch later, i punched him. HAHAHA.

Of course, dreams don't mean anything , unless i'm psychic...????!!

Mr C's response is:
"I've only been cheating on you with diablo III.."


special update:
*C's laptop just crashed = say byebye to diablo
that's what you get when you cheat on your girlfriend muahahaha!

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