Friday, September 9, 2011

Spring cleaning / Jap barbeque @ Taman Desa!

Finally picked my ass up for some purple room cleaning yesterday! Sorting out laundry/vacuum/groceries/ex-work stuff took most of the day and by 6pm, I still couldn't finish! was so tired i fell asleep. 

I miss the days when purple room was easier to manage:
purple in the morning, pretty hor?
Nevertheless, felt pretty happy eventhough only half the room was done! 


Went out for dinner with Mr C. Now that we're back in KL and Mr C is back to stress again, he is back to being Carnivorous.

Normally, i wouldn't be too keen on too much meat consumption especially late at night, but this place was *special* .

I mean, nothing beats fabulous food accompanied by smoking hot eye candy, in this case, not one, but TWO extremely hunky, buff, anime-cute, charming, delicious.... (u get my drift) japanese hunks! - which happen to be owners of the place. Did i mention they were hunks? OMG, Kuala Lumpur needs more of you, kindly procreate and multiply for the sake of the next generation please!!! 

Time for some pictures!
Mr C enjoying his beer


Genghis Khan - Lamb stew

Meat galore 
Both Mr C and I couldn't grill for nuts, hence we got...
'slim' ongchee to help save the day!!
(Blurry pictures taken in dark alleyway)

This bbq is a little shack tucked away in the dark alleys of Plaza Faber. We walked in to see the place packed with Japanese ojisans drinking and smoking away. All eyes turned to look at us, as though we were invading their secret hideout. 

Another thing to note about this place is the choice of exotic stuff like Hatsu (chicken heart), tongue, baby intestines and etc to which mr C was only too happy to try.

By the end of the night, ongchee decided to throw me a little bedtime story from the horror movie "The Human Centipede" which haunted me for the rest of the night. 

Ok , gonna do some reading of Murakami now.

Stumbled upon this song yesterday while spring cleaning.

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